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Partial COD – Restrictions & Fees – WooCommerce

199,50 EGP


WooCommerce Partial COD – Payment Gateway Restrictions & Fees is a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use WooCommerce extension that can be used to manage payment availability and other gateway-related cart settings based on product rules and conditions.

This plugin includes some powerful features that can be used to control gateway restrictions, add extra cart fees/discounts (per payment gateway) and implement partial cod (i.e risk-free cod). These features are grouped into 5 modules, the modules comprise Settings & RestrictionsPartial Payments (i.e Partial COD or Risk-Free COD), Cart DiscountsHandling Fees and Order Autopilots.

Woocommerce Gateway Settings & Restrictions
Create/Manage dynamic payment gateway options such as RestrictionsMethod TitleDescriptionButton Text and other gateways-related settings based on 84+ conditions.

Woocommerce Partial Payments (Partial COD)
Implement multiple Partial COD payment options based on the combination of 5+ payment amount calculation types which includes product totalsshipping costscart feestaxes and cart subtotals. Partial payments can also be based on about 85+ conditions and 22+ product rules.

Woocommerce Gateway Fees
Create multiple conditional payment gateway fees based on the combination of about 84+ conditions and 22+ product rules, gateway fee calculations includes the fixed amountcart percentageproduct totals percentage e.t.c.

Woocommerce Cart Discounts
In addition to gateway fees, cart discounts can also be created based on the combination of conditions and product rulescart discount calculation functions are similar to that of the gateway fees.

Woocommerce Order Autopilots
Create/Manage multiple Order Autopilots based on triggers such as Cron TasksOrder CreatedOrder Status Changed e.t.c. Order Autopilots can be set to update order statusadd order notesupdate order/customer metadata e.t.c. Order Autopilots can also be based on product rules and conditions.

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